The Escape Game Awards are back to reward the best escape rooms in France.

Each year, the Escape Game Awards crown the best escape rooms and brands throughout France. Created in 2015 by the Escape Game.Fr referencing site, this competition originally rewarded only Parisian rooms. Since 2017, all the brands in France have been competing to win these prizes. In each region, players vote for their favorite escape room in two categories : best room and best brand. 

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The escape room, a constantly evolving industry

Over the years, the escape room industry has evolved, adapting to new technologies and changing player expectations. Recently, we're seeing a rise in immersive storylines that go beyond traditional puzzles to deliver a deep narrative experience. The sets become more and more sophisticated, with careful attention to detail, making the experience almost cinematic. Virtual and augmented reality are also making their debut, allowing players to immerse themselves in fantastical worlds without leaving the room. In addition, a trend towards personalization is emerging : certain escape rooms now adapt their puzzles according to the level of the players or offer modular scenarios. Finally, the collaborative dimension is increasingly highlighted, with rooms designed to strengthen team spirit and communication. These innovations show how dynamic and constantly evolving the sector is, always seeking to surprise and captivate its audience. 

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The various prizes awarded to reaward the best escape rooms in France 

The Escape Game Awards are back in September ! With an awards ceremony watched by over 12.000 people online on the Youtube channel scheduled for the event last year, the Escape Awards are back. This ceremony aims once again to put escape rooms in the spotlight. The program is attractive with a whole week for escape room enthusiasts to vote followed by an official ceremony in public ! 

Note in your diaries, the voting phase will take place from September 1,2023 at 12:01 a.m. to September 7, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. Throughout this week, players from all walks of life will be invited to vote for their favorite rooms and brands. 

Votes will award two prizes 

For each metropolitan region, players will have to elect : 

The best room, which includes the quality of the gameplay, the storytelling, the sets, the immersion, the atmosphere ... In short, a room that will have transported you to another place, that will have made you travel, and that will have allowed you in the space of an hour to feel in the shoes of a bandit, a mafioso, a vampire hunter and much else. 


The best brand with the quality of rooms, game masters and reception. A sign that will have put you in the mood as soon as you enter their establishment, passionate game masters with whom you have been able to share a convivial moment and with whom you have been able to discuss your favorite hobby. 


Good to know, only sedentary rooms in France, permanent or seasonal, where players play in dedicated space, without interference from other teams or external elements, are eligible. To appear in the list of possible votes, the room and the sign must be in operation and referenced on the Escape website. 

How to vote for your favorite room and brand ? 

Voting is open to anyone who has an internet connection and a Facebook or Google account, conditions required to connect to the voting platform. Connecting to this platform is mandatory in order to limit participation to one vote per person. Don't hesitate to add all the rooms you have played to your account now to find them in the blink of an eye on your voting form. 

Players are asked to vote for their favorite room and sign in each category and each region where they wish to vote. However, if they cannot decide between their favorite rooms and/or brands, they can select up to three per category. Each of these three rooms and/or brands then receives the same number of votes. 

The more experience a player has accumulated, the more points of comparison he has allowing him to appreciate the quality of a room and a brand. This is why two levels are put in place, assigning more or less weighting to the votes : 

The vote of a person who has played 10 rooms or more counts double. 

The vote of a person who has played 50 rooms or more counts triple.

Players can change their votes at any time until voting is closed. For each category and each region, the brand or room with the most votes wins the prize. 

The special cases of Corsica and overseas 

Regarding Corsica, given the low number of brands present on its territory, Corsica is integrated into the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region

Overseas, for its part, brings together brands located in geographical areas very far from each other. Consequently, it seems irrelevant to us to put them in competition. There are therefore no prices for these brands. 

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A public ceremony which will take place in Lyon 


Like last year, the award ceremony will take place in the presence of all enthusiasts who wish, escape room professionals or not. This event, open to the public, will take place during the escape room and immersive leisure fair, on September 11 from 8 p.m., at "La Sucrière" in Lyon. The ceremony will also, as usual, be broadcast live on the Youtube channel provided for this purpose. 

All brands and all rooms have their chance: previous editions have shown that it is not always the best known or mots popular establishments on the networks that win. 

So who are you going to vote for this edition ? Clap Escape ? We are counting on you for your support.